Powder Booth Collection Module, Filter Cartridge Collector Module
Filter cartridge collector module helps to recover the overspray powder and reuse it. Shop air is drawn into the spray booth by a extract fan, and then passes through the booth’s workspace into the filter wall. Powder particles are separated from the air and stick on the filters, only clean airflow vented back to the shop. A timer activates a system of pulse soleniod valves that clear the cartridge filters of the accumulated powder to extend filter life.
Features of Cartridge Filter Collector Module
1. High-precision filters for superior filtration performance, capture even 0.1 micro particulates.
2. Pulse-jet solenoid valve intervally cleans filters automatically, thus filter life can be maximized. .
3. The fan provides high suction performance and maintain uniform constant airflow in the booth.
4. An individual electric control box is convenient to control fan working, reverse-pulsing and other settings.
5. We can custom designs and specifications of powder booth collector module as your precise requirments
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